Saturday, March 5, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

We are getting ready to move again!! My sister is moving into our mobile home, and we are moving to the house she was living in! And hubby's workshop is moving to the garage at that house. Confusing, yes!

It is only 10 miles between the places, so we figure 1 small moving truck is all we need to rent for the day. And a lot of friends!!!

Contents of shop to house. Contents of mobile to house. Contents of house to mobile.


Sis and I are moving all the boxable stuff in my van, over the next 3 weeks. Or rather, I am moving all the boxes. She has MS and walks with canadian crutches, so can't carry boxes.

Sigh again.

I am looking forward to being in the house, but not the move.

Cathy B