Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's not supposed to be this cold!

Okay, we moved from Minnesota to Arizona to get away from the cold. And here we woke up to 9 degrees. Whole neighborhoods without water due to freezing pipes in their homes and in the streets. No one is certain if the pipes have burst.

Thankfully we have water (I left water dribbling in the farthest faucet from the water main), but many others did this and have nothing. A lot of friends will be coming over tonight to take hot showers if their water hasn't started by then. Hope they bring their own towels!!

The ceiling to hubby's workshop fell in. Thankfully the landlord was right on it and should have it fixed today, but no chance of him working on any vent figures. He is at the shop seated in his little recliner with 3 space heaters pointed at him. He's working on his next book (yay! He has been procrastinating on that!)

The picture is of our yard in Minnesota. Beautiful but COOOLLLD!

On a fibery note, I am ironing a bunch of fabric bits to use in crumb blocks. I found 4 bags of scraps I had set aside, and am culling what I want and what is garbage. The ironing puts out a lot of heat, which feels great!

Happy fibery stuff!

Cathy B

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Have you seen these?

Have you seen the checkbook covers I make? I love the pen holder on them. You can see them at:

Who says useful can't be beautiful?

Speaking of beautiful, that's my baby girl. What a cutie!

Cathy B

A New Month!

Well, February is here, what did you do in January? On the last day of January I worked on my sewing room. Well, it isn't really a sewing room at the moment, more of a storage locker. And that isn't right!

Yesterday I dragged most of the contents into the living room so I could cull and organize. Most of my stuff is at my husband's workshop/studio (he makes vent puppets for a living), so why is my sewing room so stuffed?

One reason is that I was storing everything horizontally, so I couldn't walk into the room. This made for one reasonable difference: vertical storage. I have some great 12" X 12" X 8" boxes that are sturdy enough for me to stack them 8 high. Fabrics are now stored in there, and the boxes are labeled by color. I even have enough room to snag some more of my fabric from hubby's studio!

Next will be boxing other fibery things in the same boxes. Not certain how to label the categories, though.

Books and mags will be the hardest, but I need to be able to use my room. I'm tired of monopolizing the kitchen table!!

Happy fiber day!

Cathy B